L&SC Network Courses
L&SC Frail and Elderly Trauma (L&SC FET) – The FET is a one-day L&SC designed course, like the TILS above but focusing on the frail and elderly patient with major trauma. This was developed with the permission of the HECTOR (Heartlands Elderly Care Trauma and Ongoing Recovery) team due to L&SC demographics and above national average age for major trauma patients and population. An understanding of major trauma initial assessment is required before attending but doctors, nurses and AHP from all areas are welcome with both ED and in-patient sequela discussed and aims to introduce concepts of holistic trauma care for older patients and highlight some of the challenges faced when caring for the injured elderly. Held around the L&SC conurbation offering easier access and allowing for individual Major Trauma Centre (MTC) & Trauma Units (TU) input and specifications.
L&SC Trauma Immediate Life Support ( L&SC TILS) – The TILS (kindly shared by GM Major Trauma Network) is a one day, Level 1 accredited course, designed as an introduction to initial assessment and management of the major trauma patient at the initial ED and resuscitation phase of the journey. The course is aimed at those new to the ED and major trauma care and can provide a foundation to nurses, HCA’s, junior medical grades and AHP’s within the first 12 months of their roles. Once the TILS or equivalent has been completed this satisfies the NMTNG ED competency educational component. Staff will then need to complete competency sign off locally.
L&SC Cardiothoracic Major Trauma (L&SC CMT) – Designed by L&SC network as a bespoke course for Blackpool Teaching Hospital due to the primary receiving centre status for penetrating chest trauma and tertiary services for cardiothoracic trauma. It provides specific cardiothoracic major trauma assessment and resuscitation skills for both BTH ED senior medical staff and the cardiothoracic specialities.
Surgical Skills – The surgical skills course designed and facilitated by Dr Polly Hayward provides an opportunity for senior ED staff to discuss rational for and perform resuscitative thoracotomy and hysterotomy procedures on porcine models giving life like and hands on exposure to these life saving measures. The course is available to senior ED staff who participate in the Trauma Team Leader rota’s in both the MTC and TU’s across L&SC.
Anaesthetics (Resuscitate to Intubate) - A new course under development for 2024 is the Resuscitate to Intubate anaesthetics course. Developed along side GM and Pre-Hospital colleagues the course will offer anaesthetist and Senior ED colleagues’ exposure to the sequence of events occurring in the seriously injured patient and raise awareness on drug choices and resuscitation/intubation techniques to support positive outcomes of major trauma patients.
L&SC Trauma Immediate Life Support ( L&SC TILS) – The TILS (kindly shared by GM Major Trauma Network) is a one day, Level 1 accredited course, designed as an introduction to initial assessment and management of the major trauma patient at the initial ED and resuscitation phase of the journey. The course is aimed at those new to the ED and major trauma care and can provide a foundation to nurses, HCA’s, junior medical grades and AHP’s within the first 12 months of their roles. Once the TILS or equivalent has been completed this satisfies the NMTNG ED competency educational component. Staff will then need to complete competency sign off locally.
L&SC Cardiothoracic Major Trauma (L&SC CMT) – Designed by L&SC network as a bespoke course for Blackpool Teaching Hospital due to the primary receiving centre status for penetrating chest trauma and tertiary services for cardiothoracic trauma. It provides specific cardiothoracic major trauma assessment and resuscitation skills for both BTH ED senior medical staff and the cardiothoracic specialities.
Surgical Skills – The surgical skills course designed and facilitated by Dr Polly Hayward provides an opportunity for senior ED staff to discuss rational for and perform resuscitative thoracotomy and hysterotomy procedures on porcine models giving life like and hands on exposure to these life saving measures. The course is available to senior ED staff who participate in the Trauma Team Leader rota’s in both the MTC and TU’s across L&SC.
Anaesthetics (Resuscitate to Intubate) - A new course under development for 2024 is the Resuscitate to Intubate anaesthetics course. Developed along side GM and Pre-Hospital colleagues the course will offer anaesthetist and Senior ED colleagues’ exposure to the sequence of events occurring in the seriously injured patient and raise awareness on drug choices and resuscitation/intubation techniques to support positive outcomes of major trauma patients.
External Course Details and Links
European Trauma Course (ETC) – The ETC course brings together all specialities regularly engaged in the initial reception of major trauma patients, to learn and teach together as a team. The course includes the technical and non-technical skills required to optimise care of this group of patients and runs over 3 days. Candidates are taken through a serious of skills stations and scenarios to support the development as an effective member or leader of the adult and paediatric trauma team. Once successfully completed, you will be registered as an ETC Provider for 5 years with an online revalidation for MTC candidates available. Nurses and AHP are also welcome on the course as TSP’s (Trauma Support Practitioner) and undertaking the course will satisfy the educational component of the NMTNG Educational Competencies at Level 1.
Click here to access external website
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) - TNCC is a 2-Day intensive course that is taught by expert instructors designed to provide the registered nurse with relevant cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills to manage trauma patients in the resuscitation room. The course combines interactive learning with scenario-based assessments to give nurses a comprehensive learning experience and once completed is valid for 4 years.
Click here to access external website
Nursing Trauma & Critical Care (NTAC) –NTACC is a new and exciting 2-day nursing course, accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons and aims to meet the requirements of Level 1 and 2 (once accredited) NMTNG Competencies in the Emergency Department. The course builds from the ‘standard routine’ of preparing and receiving a major trauma patient and then the scenarios build in complexity through to major polytrauma, maintain a complete nursing focus throughout. Candidates are be exposed to real life scenarios environments which are greatly enhanced by live actors and simulation and once completed is valid for 4 years.
Click here to access external website
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) - ATLS® is a global course, teaching a systematic process of trauma care for patients with life-threatening injuries. Throughout this two-day interactive course, you will learn a range of comprehensive and adaptable trauma management skills relevant to all specialities This course is only suitable for doctors at FY2 grade and above, equivalent staff grades, eligible advanced clinical practitioners (ACP) and eligible hospital-based dentists.*The Network advises MTC TTL’s undertake the ETC whilst TU TTL colleagues initially complete the ATLS and on achievement consider if ETC is appropriate at renewal date.
Click here to access external website
Other Useful Links:
Click here to access external website
Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) - TNCC is a 2-Day intensive course that is taught by expert instructors designed to provide the registered nurse with relevant cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills to manage trauma patients in the resuscitation room. The course combines interactive learning with scenario-based assessments to give nurses a comprehensive learning experience and once completed is valid for 4 years.
Click here to access external website
Nursing Trauma & Critical Care (NTAC) –NTACC is a new and exciting 2-day nursing course, accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons and aims to meet the requirements of Level 1 and 2 (once accredited) NMTNG Competencies in the Emergency Department. The course builds from the ‘standard routine’ of preparing and receiving a major trauma patient and then the scenarios build in complexity through to major polytrauma, maintain a complete nursing focus throughout. Candidates are be exposed to real life scenarios environments which are greatly enhanced by live actors and simulation and once completed is valid for 4 years.
Click here to access external website
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) - ATLS® is a global course, teaching a systematic process of trauma care for patients with life-threatening injuries. Throughout this two-day interactive course, you will learn a range of comprehensive and adaptable trauma management skills relevant to all specialities This course is only suitable for doctors at FY2 grade and above, equivalent staff grades, eligible advanced clinical practitioners (ACP) and eligible hospital-based dentists.*The Network advises MTC TTL’s undertake the ETC whilst TU TTL colleagues initially complete the ATLS and on achievement consider if ETC is appropriate at renewal date.
Click here to access external website
Other Useful Links:

Adult Level 1 Competencies Trauma in the Emergency Department | Jan 2022 |

Adult Level 2 Competencies Trauma in the Emergency Department | Jan 2022 |

Adult Ward Nursing Competencies for Major Trauma | May 2022 | V1 |
Cardiothoracic Major Trauma Study Day Link | 31st October 2024