The Critical Care Network was established in 2013 and was merged with Major Trauma in 2019 as an integrated Network. Our aim is to 'ensure every patient requiring critical care receives safe & effective high-quality care'.
Our Network’s purpose is to enable a strong, collaborative patient-experience focused provision of system wide critical care services, that is delivered to the same high-quality standard in each of the Network’s care units, through collaborative partnership with all our stakeholders and providing robust quality assurance processes across Lancashire & South Cumbria. By working closely with our acute trusts, clinicians, NHSE Commissioners and ICB, we function by:
successfully combining commissioning support, operational oversight, assurance and strategic overview and pathway development;
driving consistency, service improvement and innovation and networked professional development;
supporting emergency planning;
and deliver this through a very active provider development and delivery role.
We have six critical care units in Lancashire & South Cumbria over a wide geographical area and cover a population of 1.8million across Lancashire & South Cumbria.
Our Critical Care Units provide a service for unplanned (emergency) admissions, and planned admissions for example following major surgery. We work closely with a range of specialities, including Cardiac Surgery, Major Trauma, Neurosurgery, Head & Neck, Vascular, Hepatobiliary, Renal, Burns and Cancer. In addition, our hospitals also have a range of enhanced care units which work closely with critical care, and which we also support.
The map below depicts the Critical Care units within the Network. The hospital at Blackpool hosts 2 types of Critical Care unit; Cardiac and General.